About Us
My Family History
My last name is now Dougherty, but my maiden name is Barnes. The last names of my four grandparents were Barnes & Underwood on the paternal side, and Patterson & Jeffries on the maternal side. I also have researched my husband's family which include his four grandparents' surnames of Dougherty & Meade on the paternal side, and Winchell & Chrispens on the maternal side. Of course, as genealogists know, there are many, many more surnames going back that lead up to those eight names.
At this time, I do not have an online family tree that shows who our ancestors are. But I do have a nice paper compilation showing the many branches and leaves to mine and my husband's trees ;) If you recognize any of our 8 grandparent's surnames and would like to connect to see if we might be related, please feel free to use the form on the 'Contact Us' page in the dropdown menu, or simply email me at [email protected] |